Thursday, November 1, 2007

Adventures with thread and needle

Boy has it been a while since I wrote. Isn't that how it is supposed to be with learn a new skill and then you forget everything else exists? Here's a brief summary of what I've been up to lately:

Swap-o-rama Rama:
Austin's Maker Faire turned out to be fantastic and Swap-o-rama rama was one of my personal highlights. People gathered from far and wide and rifled through each others' unwanted clothes, picking out hidden treasures to keep from themselves. What a fabulous wallet-friendly alternative to a shopping spree! Hooray instant gratification!

There was on the spot altering:

Screen printing:

and even a fabulous fashion show!

I had a blast watching photographing everyone find super finds and turn them into excellent items. If you've never been, you should attend next year.

East Side Halloween Costumes for Kids:

This was the most fun I've had in weeks. Shauna and her team participated in a philanthropy event where they used donated fabric to sew costumes for low income families' kids in East Austin. The kids were thrilled to watch as their ideas came to life and I have to say some of them had more creative ideas than any adult I've ever met. And I have some creative friends to say the least! Check out the Siamese twins below. We ate candy corn, popcorn, and danced to...what else? Michael Jackson's Thriller.